

Certified Master Coach 1200 Hours

Kisa Akademie – Berlin


Yin Yoga immersion – 100 hours

Element Yoga – Alexander Kröker, Patricia Ankele, Anna Trökes- Berlin


Yogaia – Live Online Yoga – Country Manager Germany


2015 – 2016

Advance Teacher Training – 300 Hour Yoga Alliance

Noah Mazé  — Berlin

2013 – 2015

Yoga Therapy continuous education- 300 hours

Society of friends, Dr. Manuela Heider de Jahnsen — Berlin

2014 – 2015

Assistant Teacher and adjustment training – 50 hours

YogaRaum Berlin , Alex Kröker — Berlin


‘Alternative Care and Healing’, Pranayama and Meditation – 100 hours

Society of friends, Heilpraktikerin Manuela Heider de Jahnsen — Berlin

2013 – 2014

Element Yoga, Yoga Alliance Teacher Training – 200 hours

YogaRaum Berlin , Alex Kröker — Berlin


Indea Yoga, Yoga Alliance Teacher Training – 250 hours

Aananda Yoga India, Bharath Shetty — Mysore/Indien


Documentary Filmmaking

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona – Barcelona/Spain


Fine Arts

Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano – Bogota/Colombia


Certified Facilitator SEE Learning
Center for Contemplative Science and Compassion-Based Ethics

Emory University

CBCT ® Foundation Course
Center for Contemplative Science and Compassion-Based Ethics

Emory University


SEE 101 Educating the Heart & Mind

Emory University


Mindfulness Based Human Flourishing (MBHF): The Ethics and Philosophy of Mindful Living with Stephen Batchelor

Buddha Foundation – Non-profit foundation for secular Buddhism


The Power of Awareness with Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach

UC, Berkeley’s Greater Good Science Center and the Awareness Training Institute (ATI) & Sounds True


 16 Guidelines for Life: Level 3 – Facilitator Training

Foundation for Developing Compassion and Wisdom (FDCW)


16 Guidelines for Life: Level 1 & 2

Foundation for Developing Compassion and Wisdom (FDCW)


The Eightfold Path – A secular reinterpretation for our present-day world with Stephen Batchelor

Buddhistische Akademie Berlin Brandenburg, Berlin Germany


Discovering the Wisdom of Neuroscience

Foundation for Developing Compassion and Wisdom (FDCW)

Faith & Imagination in Uncertain Times

Stephen Batchelor
Buddhistische Akademie Berlin Brandenburg, Berlin Germany

4th Study Retreat Secular Buddhism 2020 Middle Way

Stephen Batchelor – Stefan Bauberger – Jinpa Chodron – Robert Ellis – Akincano Weber – Ursula Baatz
Buddha-Stiftung,  Heidelberg Germany


Personal strength and other powers:
Practice and live with and without effort

Sylvia Wetzel.  Lotos Vihara e.V. , Berlin Germany


Meditation and Buddhism in the Mahayana tradition  (4 Months)

Lama Zopa Rinpoche & Ani Karin Valham. Kopan Monastery, Kathmandu Nepal


Compassion in Everyday Life

Venerable Joan, Kopan Monastery, Kathmandu Nepal


Meditation for life

Martin Batchelor, Budistički centar, Zagreb Croatia

Introduction to Buddhism

Venerable Legtsok, Tushita Meditation Centre, Dharamsala India


Pranavashya Intensive Course

Yogacharya Vinay Kumar M P, Prana Vashya Yoga Shala. Mysore India


Ayurveda Nutrition & Cooking Course

Dr. Neetu Singh, Ayuskama Ayurveda Institute of Yoga & Ayurveda. Rishikesh India


Ashtanga Workshop Weekend

David Swenson, Jivamukti Yoga Berlin. Berlin Germany


Sing Yourself Alive: A Bhakti Vocal Workshop

Spring Groove, Element Yoga Berlin. Berlin Germany


Opening the Chest and Shoulders: The healing power of transformational breath-work

Max Strom, Berlin Germany


Internal Form and Intermediate Series Ashtanga

Ty landrum, Ashtanga Yoga Berlin. Berlin Germany


Handstand workshop

Yuval Avalon, Argo Athletics. Berlin Germany

Spine immersion: anatomy, dysfunction and treatment workshop

Tiffany Cruikshank, Triyoga London UK

Backbends & The power of Play: Inversions, arm balances and playful transitions

Manel Rodrigues, Yogatribe UG . Berlin Germany

Handstand  Explore Level: Intermediate

Lucie Beyer , Element Yoga Berlin. Berlin Germany


4 Days Ashtanga Yoga Intensive

Richard Freeman, Yogawerkstatt. Vienna Austria

Yoga, Philosophy and Movement:  Mahadevi, Creating the Light of the Great Goddess

Douglas Brooks & Jordan Bloom, Yoga Circle Berlin. Berlin Germany

Principals of Alignment

Bridget Woods Kramer, Element Yoga Berlin. Berlin Germany

Intensive Workshop Alignment

Pankaj Sharma, Peace Yoga Berlin. Berlin Germany

Folding it forward (forward bends)

Zeek Vincent, Yogis Centro de Bienestar. Bogotá Colombia


Teaching Yoga: The art und science of sequencing, Hands on, Sun salutations, core and Arm balances

Mark Stephens, Spirit Yoga Berlin. Berlin Germany

Anusara Yogatherapie Training

Barbra Noh, Yogatribe UG . Berlin Germany

Highway to Hamstring, Core & Arm Balances

Kathryn Budig, Yogatribe UG . Berlin Germany

Yogatherapie Workshop

Pankaj Sharma, Peace Yoga Berlin. Berlin Germany

Adjustment Workshop

Alex Kröker, Element Yoga Berlin. Berlin Germany

The Art of Awakening

Katchie Ananda, Element Yoga Berlin. Berlin Germany

Yogatherapie Workshop

Bridget Woods Kramer, Element Yoga Berlin. Berlin Germany


Hip and pelvis: mobility and stability

Dr. Ronald Steiner, Yoga School Berlin. Berlin Germany

Ashtanga Vinyasa: flying, floating, handstanding

David Swenson, Jivamukti Yoga Berlin. Berlin Germany

Nourish yourself: hip openers, inversions, pranayama, meditation, mantras

Susana García Blanco, Element Yoga Berlin. Berlin Germany

Hip opening & heart healing practice

Bridget Woods Kramer,  Element Yoga Berlin. Berlin Germany

Comprehensive seminar Anusara Yoga

Desiree Rumbaugh—Element Yoga Berlin. Berlin Germany

Bandha, Ujjayi, Vinyasa and Alignment

Boris Gueorguiev, Yoga Lounge Berlin. Berlin Germany


Ashtanga Yoga Advanced 5-Days-Intensive Workshop

Richard Freeman, Ashtanga Yoga Berlin. Berlin Germany

Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga Practice

Rolf und Marci Naujokat , Yoga Bones. Goa Indien

Tame the pain: inversions and arm balances

Ana Forrest, Spirit Yoga Berlin. Berlin Germany

Ashtanga Yoga 3-Days-Intensive Workshop

Kino Mc Gregor, Jivamukti Yoga Berlin. Berlin Germany

Ashtanga Vinyasa 4-Day Intensive Workshop

John Scott, Jivamukti Yoga Berlin. Berlin Germany

Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga practice

Grischa Steffin, Ashtanga Yoga  Berlin


Dharma Yoga Workshops

Dharma Mittra, DIR. Barcelona Spain


Angaben gemäß § 5 TMG:

Magda Torres
Simply Yoga


E-Mail: hello (@) simplyyoga.eu

Proxi Design

Anders Bigum

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Simply Yoga?


The way we react to physical and emotional experiences with our own body on the yoga mat – frustrated or patient, disappointed or motivated – answers to the way we face the countless challenges in everyday life. Hence yoga is a helpful tool that can be applied in all areas of life in order to create an emotional and physical equilibrium in the long run.


Through the growing strength and flexibility of the body the practice of yoga develops and progresses with every breath of air. That’s why yoga never becomes boring. While it’s true that the yoga positions remain the same the internal relationship with them changes constantly. With practice it becomes increasingly easy to transfer this experience beyond the yoga mat into family life, work life and relationships.


That’s why no particular style is practiced at Simply Yoga. Instead, the focus lies on what is most suited for the goals and needs of the students – and what helps them to develop a long-lasting, sustainable and self dependent practice.


Private Yoga

Individual Tuition at Home

This original form of teaching yoga enables the instructor to adapt the lessons completely to a student’s needs – no matter if he or she has a lot or little experience. An individual yoga programme can be customised and a physical or emotional condition can be worked on according to each pupil’s motives and personal goals. In short: It’s about direct guidance for maximum progress – and total privacy.

Please contact me to arrange a personal meeting and discuss your personal goals for Private Yoga classes.

Business Yoga

A Health Focus on Personnel Development for Companies in and around Berlin, certified by health insurance

Long hours in front of the computer and a growing pressure to perform sooner or later have negative effects on employees: A tense upper body, poor blood circulation in the legs, tired eyes, shallow breathing and permanent stress can lead to serious physical and psychological problems through to long-term medical leave. Here, yoga can help: Whether at lunchtime or after work – a weekly Business Yoga class in your premises for of up to 15 participants can help to loosen and stimulate tense areas of the body while giving simple pointers for reaching inner calm at the workplace. The result: Relaxation, presence, concentration – and heightened productivity.

Please get in touch with me to discuss the details and surrounding conditions of Business Yoga classes at your company.

It is also possible to get subvention for specialized courses from public health insurance. If this applies has to be clarified in each case. Each company in Germany can invest up to 500 € per employee per year on Yoga and Mindfulness training as a tax-deductible expense (EStG, § 3 Nr. 34).

Yoga Therapy

Individual Yoga Tuition as Physical Therapy

In the case of injuries, high levels of stress and pain yoga can help to alleviate symptoms and guard against them in the long run – if it is practiced correctly and safely. In Yoga Therapy you learn to modify your yoga routines in a way that the self-healing powers of the body are activated. In doing so, the exact reason for your complaint may also become visible – while the practice of yoga can convey the discipline and motivation required for the long-term change of old habits.

Please contact me to arrange a personal meeting and discuss your state of health and goals for Yoga Therapy classes.

Current Classes

The following classes are open for everyone and can be visited.


Magda Torres embarked on her yoga journey in 2001, an enriching adventure that has continually enhanced her life on various levels. Over the years, she immersed herself in diverse yoga styles such as Ashtanga, Vinyasa Flow, Hatha, restorative, Anusara, Yin Yoga, and Yoga therapy. Now, as the founder of Simply Yoga, she passionately imparts this wealth of experience to her students.

In the past years, Magda has expanded her horizons, delving into the teachings of Buddhism in the Mahayana tradition. Guided by Lama Zopa Rinpoche and other remarkable teachers, she has explored the secular approach of mental training and contemplative practices, focusing on the development of compassion, resilience, and wisdom.

Complementing her spiritual journey, Magda has also become a certified master coach, infusing a practical approach into her way of teaching and supporting students. This addition allows her to offer a holistic experience, combining the mental and emotional aspects of mindfulness with a more tangible, hands-on methodology.

Her distinctive approach, both in her personal practice and as a teacher, is marked by a well-seasoned perspective on life, pragmatism, and an absence of judgment or criticism. Her classes are characterized by an enjoyable sense of humor and a dedicated emphasis on simplicity. Crucially, Magda encourages her students not to blindly follow her guidance; instead, she advocates for self-exploration, recognizing that what works for one may not necessarily work for another.

As a yoga instructor and certified master coach, Magda’s primary goal is clear: to be a catalyst for heightened awareness, personal responsibility, and positive change. She envisions her classes as a platform for imparting not just physical techniques but also fostering mental and emotional well-being.

For insights into the impact of Magda’s teachings, explore reviews of her classes at Yogatrail.

Lululemon Ambassador in Berlin, Germany from 2016- 2018



If you are interested in one of the classes offered by Simply Yoga, please contact me for a personal quotation.

Simply Yoga
Magda Torres



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Have a look at my other project


Simply Yoga and the Simply Yoga website is a project that wouldn’t have been possible without the help of others. Many, many thanks to all those who have been supporting me with their guidance and their resources.

My family, who has not always understood or shared my decisions but nevertheless respect, love and support me on my way.

My teachers Lama Zopa Rinpoche, Noah Mazé, Yogacharya Vinay Kumar, Manuela Heider de Jahnsen, Alex Kröker, Bharath Shetty for believing in me, inspiring me and giving me valuable guidance and advice. Thanks also to all the other teachers i’ve had the chance to learn from: You inspire me to stay curious and open-hearted.

Christian, who always sees the best in me. Without his love, kindness, support and endless patience I wouldn’t be where I am now.

Annette Serradesanferm for finding the right words for my idea of Yoga and to Anders Bigum for the amazing pictures – but above all for their friendship, time and generous support.

I would also like to express my appreciation to all my students for giving me the opportunity to share with them what I’ve learnt so far and for reminding me that I’ll always be an student too.

Last but not least, I would like to take this opportunity to express my love to all my friends for their support and understanding when I constantly skip invitations and social gatherings due to my workshops, practicing routines or early morning classes. You know that I’m learning to teach you all.